CoViD situation

Due the situation created by SARS-β-CoViD-2019, or Coronavirus disease, Pieces of Sky will cancel all activities linked to requests and commissions up to May 1st. Only internal activities and in-house creations will be active. This heavy limitation is due the lockdown established in Romania starting March 18th, where Pieces of Sky is headquartered.

For further information, you can reach the request service through or through with added answers.


April 15th – Cumulative cases surpassed 2 milions. USA is counting alone 600,000 cases.
The death rate is decreasing, but remains the fear that asimptomatic cases can rise the pandemy of up to 7 milion actually infected worldwide.
Is calculated the following economical crysis will have a duration of at least 12 months, with lingering effects up to 2025.

April 10th – USA, alone, is counting half a milion cumulative cases. Added to Spain and Italy, also Germany, UK and Portugal are stating a “introduction to a flattening curve”. China officially lifted all limitations.

Note: the ArcGIS link was deleted, as the map was failing to completely load, and at certain times, crashed completely the tab.

April 9th – After the 1 milion cases reached on April 2nd, are official 1.5 milion cases as today. Of the 420,000 closed cased, 331,000 are recovered.
Italy and Spain offically declared the R0 rate of spreading is now lower than 1, meaning the total cases are becoming fewer every day.
Now the problems are becoming social: heavy migration from west Europe to the East of the continent -especially illegal workers or unemployed people- is leading to a spike of crimes in countries like Bulgaria, Poland and Romania.

Note #1: R0 is the capability of a person of spreading a disease to a certain number of other individuals. R0 lower than 1 means reduction of the number of cases.
Note #2: Illegal workers means people having an income, but not taxes-wise registered, or which activities are not clean.

April 1st – Not an april fool, unfortunately. Cumulative total at 880,000, with 190,000 only in the USA. In Europe the behaviour is that of a clearer plateau, with only France and UK as hotbeds that are still active. Now the worries are to America: USA lacked a response, and the situation is now handled by the single states.

March 31st – Cumulative cases are 800,000, with 172,000 recovered and 39,000 deaths.
This fast growth is mostly in USA, where great corporations, like McDonalds and Amazon, are punishing workers that are acting in line with the quarantine, forcing humanitarian integrity.
Italy, Germany and Spain are in plateau.

March 30th – Cumulative cases reached 700,000, with over 150,000 recovered.
A general lockdown is in discussion for all USA. Red-level countries in Europe are prolonging the quarantine period.
Rumors in Asia are indicating the real deaths in China are actually ten times the official data, with “recalculated” number as high as 45,000 expired people.

March 28th – World wide, the cumulative cases are counted as up as 650,000 of which 138,000 recovered, over 30,000 in critical condition and 31,000 dead.
China is almost recovered, and South Korea is well over the first quarter of the descending curve. In Europe, plateau-ing is visible in Italy.
USA have to brace for a heavy wave, that is now accounting for a sixth of the total cases.


The links will open in a new tab.

CDC updates for America

ECDC updates for Europe and Global

Worldmeter counting, with cases per single country

Wikipedia article